Saturday, September 13, 2008

Astounded and Speechless

First of all, if you haven't read any of the comments attached to my blogs, you are missing some really great stories, that are at the same time heart breaking. Thank you everyone for sharing your own life stories. In one of my replies, I stated that America is not the Land of the free nor the Land of Freedom of speech. Its sad to think that our ancestors fought so many years ago to give us the right to freedom of speech for nothing. They died for nothing! Just like our young men and women today, who are fighting so hard in the Armed Forces, many losing their lives, all having their lives changed forever......FOR NOTHING!!! As long as we have people in power who prey on the public with scare tactics...America and for the Freedom that was so diligently fought for, is lost. And, those same people know that they are safe. Why? Because the group of people they have targeted, no longer have the right to vote. And the people who do have a right to vote, such as the families, friends of sex offenders, are not taken seriously and are so out numbered by those who believe such scare tactics. Thus, the people who believe in such scare tactics, continue to keep these people in the position of power because they think they are being protected. Since the majority of you who are reading my blog, know the facts. Sex offenders are the least likely to re-offend than any other criminal. So, while they are targeting the sex offenders, they are blinding the public from the real threat: The high rate re-offenders. Even though sex offenders do not have the right to vote, they and their families, friends should start bombarding elected officials, newspapers, news stations with letters expressing their views. We, as a sex offender community (yes, I can say I'm part of the community as being the wife((or girlfriend, or mother, or daughter or friend))of a sex offender affects my rights as much as a sex offender)should band together, establish groups/organizations. While individual letters are great, just think how one letter with hundreds of signatures will get noticed. We can never give up. We must continue to fight. Oh, and a thought to those in the public who believe in the scare tactics...When will it stop? Suppose the next targeted group is someone close to you. Below, I've added my letter to the editor of the Salisbury Daily Times in Salisbury of the ones that was never published. (Of Course!!)

Well, Ocean City has gone an done it again. A law was passed that states only MD sex offenders can not go into OC without first checking in at the police station. So, any sex offender from the rest of the 49 states can go in and have a great time. While, some one who lives in MD, pays MD taxes, must first check in before they can have a lousy, over-priced dinner in OC? How fair is that, and who will be next? Guess money talks, so when a large money contributor to OC decides that Homosexuals aren't allowed in the "family" atmosphere of OC, that will become a new law. Pretty soon, you'll have to stop and show your w2's and if you don't make $100 k a year, you aren't allowed in. I am ashamed of what the Eastern Shore of MD has become. Infringing on people's rights, deciding that people don't deserve 2nd chances: doesn't matter if they paid their debt to society in prison time, and if they've kept clean and no re-offense, NO SECOND CHANCES..PERIOD! So what's next? They have become so narrow minded and back ward in their thinking: could it be slavery? banish the homosexuals? get rid of the home-less or welfare recipients? What about the elders and the dis-abled? Are they also not up to your standards? Why just sex offenders?? Why not include anyone and everyone who has a record and a past they would like to forget?? Who cares if they've become out-standing citizens! And you call your self Christians. The word "FORGIVE" is not in your vocabulary. This is a sad world we live in. I for not going to miss Ocean City. that's right, I will never step in Ocean City again because I protest their narrow mindness. I mean, those who committed a crime, any crime, is gonna do it again. Right? WRONG!!! And lets repeat: Its only MD's own offenders that must leave 2 hours earlier for a 6 p.m. dinner date so they can sign in with the police. Not the multi-offender from New Jersey, or the convicted mobster from New York, the just released armed robber from Virginia, or the convicted killer from New Orleans. I guess the color of their money is better. I one under the age of 21 can enter without a parent! That will cut down on a lot of Ocean City's real crime. Good job just took us 50 years back in time...discrimination.....!! All narrow minded people..hold your hands up!!! I bet you all voted for that one president who couldn't keep his pants up didn't you? Oh that's right, he doesn't live in MD, so he can enter anytime...doesn't matter that there may more people like him, in high places, and with power, will over step the law and family values, yet, its OK to go to OC...if you don't live in MD. Ocean City gets a big thumb down for their newest law!!!

OK, I did get a little carried away. But can you believe this? When is it going to stop? And how much further will it be allowed to go before it does stop?


Anonymous said...

Please visit

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry you are going thru this. I am a mother of a "sex offender", 19 yrs old when drunk sex occurred (both 18 yr old girl & him), but of course she says, "I didn't give him consent". This country is just terrible right now & plea bargains are accepted in lieu of the chance of 10 yrs mandatory sentencing. I live near Rehoboth Beach, DE & to my knowlege they have not enacted this type of ordinance/law (yet). I know that my son had gone to Ocean City, MD before all this happened & I didn't realize it was just MD RSO's that had to "check in". No, there is no chance for someone to redeem themselves, even if they are not the violent "rapist", murdering molester. If you are branded with a sex label, your life is basically over. How horrible for a 19 yr old boy to start his adult life with this label. I wish I could move out of this country.

Hang in there is the best advise I can give you. I have not been in this situation that long & all I can do is take it day by day & fighting depression. I figure with the rate that boys/men (majority) are ending up on this "list" then everybody will have someone they love on it. There will be more registries. There already are other "lists" in other states for violent offenders, DUI's, child abusers, etc. Just a matter of time & all these people that are calling for RSO's info to be public & for them to be shamed for the rest of their lives, will have their own info (or someone they love) public.

Hitler is alive & well in these United States.

Anonymous said...

Also visit:

Anonymous said...

I could NOT AGREE MORE!!! If you read the letter I sent to both your email and posted on this blog, I was kinda going off too like that about the sheer ridiculousness of it... Did you receive my emails Dee?

Anonymous said...

OK, I now saw you repsponded to my comment. Cool. Anyway, I told my Fiancee about this blog, and she'll be showing up here soon. Is there anything else that she or I can help you with? Please let us know. Thankfully, at least here in California, voting rights are RESTORED after completing parole. I voted in the last election, and I WILL be voting in every election I can!! Not that it will make much difference, but still, it's our only voice....


The laws are crazy, and if you have no money for Lawyers, you have absolutely NO access to the courts.

We have a wealth of information, and also many related websites.

We are many:

"Justice will only exist where those not effected by injustice are filled with the same amount of indignation as those offended? -Plato